Mahil Immigration Services Ltd. handles communication with its clients and stakeholders very seriously. We endeavour to adhere to stringent ethics for all communication. The following are the policies of the company concerning its communications:


  • As a company, Mahil Immigration Services Ltd. prefers to communicate via emails or the telephone and facilitate other online medium forms where necessary. We expect our clients to reciprocate and utilize the preferred medium of communication wherever possible. This allows for greater efficiency to service all of our client’s needs while making the best use of time.
  • You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.
  • All forms of communication sent to Mahil Immigration Services Ltd. will not be shared with any outside entities unless authorized by you, the client, or the Client/Stakeholders. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.
  •  Client and Stakeholders should understand that email and phone communications are monitored and administrated by different organization members. All clients understand and agree to this as part of their acceptance of their signed retainer agreement.